Thursday, July 29, 2010


This week has been so amazing! I have been at a Kagan Cooperative Learning training every day provided my my district. We received free materials (which, let's face it, is awesome!) and a TON of first hand experience working with "structures" to help students work with and learn from each other. It is going to be hard work to implement everything into my classroom, but I'm excited to see the results. I have met some great teachers and learned a lot from each of them.

Barry has started his first year teacher training, BEGIN and has a male mentor teacher. He has his new hire orientation tomorrow and then we both head to our schools on Monday for meetings and time in our classrooms. I think I have more still to do than he does!

I'm excited to be working with a new principal and one new teammate this year. And of course, I'm looking forward to meeting my new set of kids, fingers crossed my roster stays at 28 and doesn't soar to the projected 35. I've heard the group coming into fourth grade is a challenge, but with everything I've learned this week, I can't wait to start!!!

I'll keep you posted!!! And pictures to come, eventually.

Here is a link to the Kagan website and the book I got free...notice it's a $44 value!

Kagan page
Free book


  1. Sounds great!! I hope your class stays at 28 too!! :) The class sounds like it will really help you out this year.

    Have fun next week getting everything ready!

    Love you
