Saturday, August 27, 2011

A New Year Has Begun

Well, another year has started. I have an astonishingly low 22 kids! It's fabulous! Today was by far the best first day of school I've had as a teacher. Everything just seemed to flow. I almost had to kick parents out this morning. It seems like I will have a lot of parents want to help out, which I've never had. And...I already got a gift! A kiddo's step mom is a HUGE Gator fan and sent some things to school for me today. It was pretty awesome! <3 Gator Nation!!! I have a couple of kids whose siblings I have had in the past and they are super sweet. My biggest behavior kid was withdrawn from the school and my biggest behavior kids from last year stopped by just to ask how my day was.

I have a mostly new team this year and they are FABULOUS! I think it's going to be an amazing year. I'm excited to be in my 4th year and only be observed 1 time a year (officially). But more than that, I'm excited to not feel like such a newbie anymore! I feel like I can really step up and become a veteran teacher now. I have applied for (and most people anticipate my being hired) for a Community Outreach Specialist. Basically I will work closely with the after school activities coordinator and be in charge of really trying to get our school's community more involved. Plus, it has a pretty large stipend attached to it, but honestly it's not about the money, because the hours are pretty insane.

Anyway, I'm super excited about the new year beginning, and I'm pretty sure I've completely I'll call it quits for now! :-)

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