Wow, it's been forever since I posted anything. A lot has been happening, most of it pretty stressful. I have 5 kids being evaluated right now for various things ranging from learning disabilities, to AHDH, to Asperger Syndrome, to Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant disorder.
I survived conference week, though I did get a new student that week who is a big handful. She has had an in-school suspension twice and she's been at school I think 2.5 weeks now. She's one being evaluated, and has a HORRIBLE home life. All my conferences went really well, no complaints. Barry's were great, too.
We have both had our first formal observations and each got great marks. Barry's principal said with time he is going to be an amazing teacher. My principal is pleased with everything I am doing in the classroom and all the other "things" I have offered to help out with.
I am teaching a morning math class to a good portion of the boy's basketball team. It's fun, they love when I go to the games. I am going to help coach the girl's basketball team in the spring. It should be a good time, I already know most of the girls.
Other than having 1/6 of my class evaluated (and I'm not done for the year), I was nominated for staff of the month by my teammate. I was recognized in front of the whole school at the most recent Student of the Month assembly and received a certificate. I also had my name in the paper with another teacher. She teaches second grade and our classes are buddies. We did a bubble science experiment that was in the paper. Pretty cool, I must say.
That's the last couple months in a nutshell! I will try to be better about updating more often!

I have checked your blog several times but it has been a few days since I checked and of course, that is when you update it. Oh well, it is not too late to comment. I am so-so-so-so proud of you. But as I have always said, you are a fantastic teacher - absolutely the best - and now you are hearing it from others, too. Do you believe me now? LOL Good things are coming your way but it is only the beginning. Just sit back, keep doing your excellent job, and better things will be showing up before you know it. And, oh, I love your room!!!! It looks beautiful! I don't ever remember a room looking anything like that when I was in school. In fact, I don't remember it ever being decorated or anything. Just a blackboard in the front and that was it. Your room is gorgeous. Just want to wish you good luck with all the students that are being examined and checked, etc. Hope it all comes out ok. And by the way, congrats to Barry, too. Sounds like he is off to a good start. Both of you keep it up and the awards are bound to come your way. Proud of both of you! Love you muchly, too. Grandma