Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ready for Thanksgiving!

This has got to be the toughest time of the year. We had a 4 day weekend, followed by a regular week and now of course a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving. Any change in routine throws everything off. This past week was EXTREMELY frustrating. The kids were totally off knowing that another break is coming.

I have been working closely with my principal and program coach (a teacher for the teachers) to create a "data library" so that we can track testing data on every kid in the school. It is pretty much just the 3 of us working on it, though it is supposed to be a whole team of people. The cool thing is that they are coming to me with questions and asking what I think about things. It makes me feel AMAZING!

This week was rough in another way, because I hear a coworker talking poorly about me. I was really upset, not about what she said (though I whole-heartedly disagree that I am a ditz) but that she said I was doing things wrong and instead of coming to me, just talked behind my back. I am the kind of person that wants to fix things if I did something wrong, not make someone else do my job. But, whatever! I talked with multiple people about it and I know that I'm not the only one she is rude to. People think she is intimidated by me because I am young and energetic and LOVE my job and I'm good at it. People like me, students like me and I do things to help my kids and school. It made me feel much better to talk to the AMAZING friends I have at school. It was very reassuring to hear that I had done nothing wrong and I had nothing to worry about. I know that I am liked and trusted at the school, which is proven when the principal asks for my advice on things.

Barry and I are both SUPER excited that my parents are on their way to Phx for Thanksgiving. We will be hosting our first in our incredibly tiny kitchen, should be interesting. I have a lot planned this week to do with the holiday. I have even made a new bulletin board and the kids will make turkeys. On each feather, the kids will write something they are thankful for. I will post pictures when it's done!

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine how hard it is to break up weeks like that. However, you can handle anything!!! Like you can handle that nerd that is talking about you to your back. Forget her, Honey, 'cause she knows you are the best and is jealous. You have proven you are the best!!!!

    Missed having your folks for Thanksgiving, but I am glad they were able to make it out there to be with you. And it was fun having Kiley with us. Was so glad she got off work. Know you had a great day!!

    Hang in there and just keep doing what you are doing. Am excited for you and Barry about your house. Love you, Grandma
