This has got to be the toughest time of the year. We had a 4 day weekend, followed by a regular week and now of course a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving. Any change in routine throws everything off. This past week was EXTREMELY frustrating. The kids were totally off knowing that another break is coming.
I have been working closely with my principal and program coach (a teacher for the teachers) to create a "data library" so that we can track testing data on every kid in the school. It is pretty much just the 3 of us working on it, though it is supposed to be a whole team of people. The cool thing is that they are coming to me with questions and asking what I think about things. It makes me feel AMAZING!
This week was rough in another way, because I hear a coworker talking poorly about me. I was really upset, not about what she said (though I whole-heartedly disagree that I am a ditz) but that she said I was doing things wrong and instead of coming to me, just talked behind my back. I am the kind of person that wants to fix things if I did something wrong, not make someone else do my job. But, whatever! I talked with multiple people about it and I know that I'm not the only one she is rude to. People think she is intimidated by me because I am young and energetic and LOVE my job and I'm good at it. People like me, students like me and I do things to help my kids and school. It made me feel much better to talk to the AMAZING friends I have at school. It was very reassuring to hear that I had done nothing wrong and I had nothing to worry about. I know that I am liked and trusted at the school, which is proven when the principal asks for my advice on things.
Barry and I are both SUPER excited that my parents are on their way to Phx for Thanksgiving. We will be hosting our first in our incredibly tiny kitchen, should be interesting. I have a lot planned this week to do with the holiday. I have even made a new bulletin board and the kids will make turkeys. On each feather, the kids will write something they are thankful for. I will post pictures when it's done!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
It's Been A While!
NOTE: I added something to the "Letters From Kids" post!
Wow, it's been forever since I posted anything. A lot has been happening, most of it pretty stressful. I have 5 kids being evaluated right now for various things ranging from learning disabilities, to AHDH, to Asperger Syndrome, to Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant disorder.
I survived conference week, though I did get a new student that week who is a big handful. She has had an in-school suspension twice and she's been at school I think 2.5 weeks now. She's one being evaluated, and has a HORRIBLE home life. All my conferences went really well, no complaints. Barry's were great, too.
We have both had our first formal observations and each got great marks. Barry's principal said with time he is going to be an amazing teacher. My principal is pleased with everything I am doing in the classroom and all the other "things" I have offered to help out with.
I am teaching a morning math class to a good portion of the boy's basketball team. It's fun, they love when I go to the games. I am going to help coach the girl's basketball team in the spring. It should be a good time, I already know most of the girls.
Other than having 1/6 of my class evaluated (and I'm not done for the year), I was nominated for staff of the month by my teammate. I was recognized in front of the whole school at the most recent Student of the Month assembly and received a certificate. I also had my name in the paper with another teacher. She teaches second grade and our classes are buddies. We did a bubble science experiment that was in the paper. Pretty cool, I must say.
That's the last couple months in a nutshell! I will try to be better about updating more often!

Wow, it's been forever since I posted anything. A lot has been happening, most of it pretty stressful. I have 5 kids being evaluated right now for various things ranging from learning disabilities, to AHDH, to Asperger Syndrome, to Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant disorder.
I survived conference week, though I did get a new student that week who is a big handful. She has had an in-school suspension twice and she's been at school I think 2.5 weeks now. She's one being evaluated, and has a HORRIBLE home life. All my conferences went really well, no complaints. Barry's were great, too.
We have both had our first formal observations and each got great marks. Barry's principal said with time he is going to be an amazing teacher. My principal is pleased with everything I am doing in the classroom and all the other "things" I have offered to help out with.
I am teaching a morning math class to a good portion of the boy's basketball team. It's fun, they love when I go to the games. I am going to help coach the girl's basketball team in the spring. It should be a good time, I already know most of the girls.
Other than having 1/6 of my class evaluated (and I'm not done for the year), I was nominated for staff of the month by my teammate. I was recognized in front of the whole school at the most recent Student of the Month assembly and received a certificate. I also had my name in the paper with another teacher. She teaches second grade and our classes are buddies. We did a bubble science experiment that was in the paper. Pretty cool, I must say.
That's the last couple months in a nutshell! I will try to be better about updating more often!

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Letters From Kids
Recently I have had some problems with behavior in one of the other classes. They had a class meeting and the kids wrote letters to the people they were misbehaving for. I received 5. I will write them as they were written to me and then translate those that need it. Names have been deleted due to the law prohibiting me from posting them. :-)
Dear Mrs. Barnes I Am sorry how I acted. I will not do that any more. I will try my best in Social studies. I will follow are school rule. I will helP other PeoPle. I will try to not talk anymore or Play around. because I will work hard. I will always follow Dierections. I will not give uP until I Do it right. I will Do better in social studies I Promie. sincerly...
Dear Mrs Barnes
I am sorry for going to the restroom but I will change and I will do what's expected and I will try to do it the best I can. I will try to work hard.
Dear mis Barnes (underlined)
Iamsare for tacking wene youweretechingIwilltrieytow ontbowitegen.
Dear Mrs. Barnes
I am sorry for talking when you were teaching. I will try not to do it again.
Dear Mrs. Barnes I am sorry that I am playing awroud I will do better by fluolote dwexing. (following directions)
Dear Mrs. Barnes
I am sorry to get your help and not geting my work done and want from you to get my team smart knows what is expected.
I have absolutely no idea what this kiddo was trying to say..... any ideas let me know!
Other than those I received another letter this week. A great student left the school on Friday. She and her brother had been on a waiting list for another school and they have been accepted. I was so sad I teared up. Never once have I cried over a student (shocking, I know). She wrote me a note on Friday with a heart with my name in it and a penguin. The note said...
Dear Mrs. Barnes,
You have been a good teacher to me. I was so happy to have you for my teacher. You are the best. I hope I find a teacher as good as you are!!
This was from the little one who experienced the horrible anxiety issues last year. I was heartbroken when mom told me they were leaving. Her mom has been so helpful to me already this year. She gave me a hug and thanked me for being so great for her daughter. She said she was so thankful for what I have done to make her daughter like school again and was so glad that she requested me. She was crying which of course almost made me cry.
I will certainly miss that little girl, but she said if she doesn't like her new school she'll be back because she "loves me 'cuz I'm fun!"
TTFN...ta ta for now!
ADDED November 13, 2010
Recently Ethan spent a night in the hospital after falling and hitting his head. I was very worried the next day at school, waiting for news about all of his tests. While at school I received word that one of my all time favorite teachers from high school had passed away. I was very broken up about both situations and the kids could completely tell. They were so wonderful that day. I got a ton of hugs and "don't worry Mrs. B, it's going to be ok!". One of my little ones, who happens to be a fabulous writer, wrote me a letter.
Dear Ashly, (HAHA)
I know how you feel and I feel really sorry for you. But probably it was his time. About your nephew just be patient and have faith. I had really big faith when my mom crashed and told God to please take care of my mom and next thing you know she was back. She hurt her leg but she came back alive and it was a day after my birthday and I know your nephew will come back like new.
Needless to say I basically lost all composure. She also gave me a necklace that has a cross inside a heart and said that I needed it more than her that day. I felt completely blessed to have such a caring and compassionate 9 year old in my life that day.
Dear Mrs. Barnes I Am sorry how I acted. I will not do that any more. I will try my best in Social studies. I will follow are school rule. I will helP other PeoPle. I will try to not talk anymore or Play around. because I will work hard. I will always follow Dierections. I will not give uP until I Do it right. I will Do better in social studies I Promie. sincerly...
Dear Mrs Barnes
I am sorry for going to the restroom but I will change and I will do what's expected and I will try to do it the best I can. I will try to work hard.
Dear mis Barnes (underlined)
Iamsare for tacking wene youweretechingIwilltrieytow ontbowitegen.
Dear Mrs. Barnes
I am sorry for talking when you were teaching. I will try not to do it again.
Dear Mrs. Barnes I am sorry that I am playing awroud I will do better by fluolote dwexing. (following directions)
Dear Mrs. Barnes
I am sorry to get your help and not geting my work done and want from you to get my team smart knows what is expected.
I have absolutely no idea what this kiddo was trying to say..... any ideas let me know!
Other than those I received another letter this week. A great student left the school on Friday. She and her brother had been on a waiting list for another school and they have been accepted. I was so sad I teared up. Never once have I cried over a student (shocking, I know). She wrote me a note on Friday with a heart with my name in it and a penguin. The note said...
Dear Mrs. Barnes,
You have been a good teacher to me. I was so happy to have you for my teacher. You are the best. I hope I find a teacher as good as you are!!
This was from the little one who experienced the horrible anxiety issues last year. I was heartbroken when mom told me they were leaving. Her mom has been so helpful to me already this year. She gave me a hug and thanked me for being so great for her daughter. She said she was so thankful for what I have done to make her daughter like school again and was so glad that she requested me. She was crying which of course almost made me cry.
I will certainly miss that little girl, but she said if she doesn't like her new school she'll be back because she "loves me 'cuz I'm fun!"
TTFN...ta ta for now!
ADDED November 13, 2010
Recently Ethan spent a night in the hospital after falling and hitting his head. I was very worried the next day at school, waiting for news about all of his tests. While at school I received word that one of my all time favorite teachers from high school had passed away. I was very broken up about both situations and the kids could completely tell. They were so wonderful that day. I got a ton of hugs and "don't worry Mrs. B, it's going to be ok!". One of my little ones, who happens to be a fabulous writer, wrote me a letter.
Dear Ashly, (HAHA)
I know how you feel and I feel really sorry for you. But probably it was his time. About your nephew just be patient and have faith. I had really big faith when my mom crashed and told God to please take care of my mom and next thing you know she was back. She hurt her leg but she came back alive and it was a day after my birthday and I know your nephew will come back like new.
Needless to say I basically lost all composure. She also gave me a necklace that has a cross inside a heart and said that I needed it more than her that day. I felt completely blessed to have such a caring and compassionate 9 year old in my life that day.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Student of the Month Part 2
Today was the student of the month assembly. It was all kept a secret and I even played it up that his parents had to come to the school to talk to me about something important. He stood waiting for our class to be called staring up at the sky whispering "please let it be me". The look on his face when he heard his name was absolutely priceless. He was so excited and proud of himself. I met his mom and she shook my hand and thanked me for choosing him. My response was, "he totally earned it, I'm so proud of him." Mom was almost in tears. He gave me the biggest hug and said he was proud of himself and shocked and excited. I gave him a letter that I wrote to him explaining why I chose him and he smiled ear to ear while he read it. The rest of the day I didn't lift a finger, anything I needed he was there before I could move and would say, "don't worry Mrs. Barnes your student of the month will handle it!" It WAS the best feeling I have had in my short teaching career. I talked with him at the end of the day and asked if he was going to keep up the student of the month type behavior and he said definitely. He is most certainly the reason I'm a teacher. I have never been so proud of a student for any reason.
One of my tougher kiddos made his day every day this week which was a big feat. He will be going to talk with the social worker weekly starting next week. He has anger and self esteem issues which is just heart breaking. I was talking with the social worker about what I can do to help him and we decided that when he makes his day for a whole week he can go to the prize box. I had him stay after the bell and gave him a hug and a high five and he picked a backpack out of the prize box. We talked about how he will not always get prizes that big and eventually he might not get one every week, but for now we will work together to make his behavior great. He was super excited and has never smiled the way he did today.
Obviously it was a super rewarding day. I wish that I could legally post pictures of those 2 kiddies, but alas, I like my job and want to keep it.
As for Barry, last week he did an observation with his kids. He had a goldfish and a snail (the kids loved it). Over this last weekend the snail had 2 babies. This week Barry changed the water and all 3 snails went to snail heaven. Now just the goldfish is left, the kids have named it Swimmy. The PE teacher suggested Swim Pickens, but Barry went with the kids' choice.
Yesterday I had a very embarrassing moment. I raised my voice at the principal thinking it was a kid. He loved it, I turned bright red and I will never live it down. Thank goodness he has a sense of humor and plays jokes. I opened the door to my teammate's room to ask her a question. I was leaning against the door and felt it being pushed against me. I said "Excuse you!" and he peeked around the door with a grin and "yes?" I was mortified. My kids were in on it and proceeded to tell me that I was almost purple I was so red. My response being, well yeah I yelled at the principal, it's embarrassing. The kids loved it and so did he. I'm pretty sure the whole school knows about it. Like I said, thank goodness he has a sense of humor.
We met with our second grade buddies today and the kids had to make dogs out of water bottles or toilet paper rolls. We gave them cotton balls, tissue paper, straws, pipe cleaners and yarn to work with. They turned out so cute. One group made a poodle with all cotton balls and another group made a golden retriever by covering the water bottle with gold tissue paper. Again, I wish I could send pictures. I'm going to take pictures of every group and make a news letter for both classes called "Buddies Are the Best". The other teacher thought it was a great idea, so we are both really excited about it. I took some pictures this afternoon but the battery ended up dying.
I got the second book of folder games today, so finishing all of those is my weekend project so that I can have them laminated and cut before I start teaching a before school math class on the 13th. I'm excited to work with 4-6 graders and play a lot of skills games. I will have some of my old kids which will be fun.
I think that's enough for now, I'm getting the feeling that I'm starting to blab on and on and get the idea.
TTFN...ta ta for now!
One of my tougher kiddos made his day every day this week which was a big feat. He will be going to talk with the social worker weekly starting next week. He has anger and self esteem issues which is just heart breaking. I was talking with the social worker about what I can do to help him and we decided that when he makes his day for a whole week he can go to the prize box. I had him stay after the bell and gave him a hug and a high five and he picked a backpack out of the prize box. We talked about how he will not always get prizes that big and eventually he might not get one every week, but for now we will work together to make his behavior great. He was super excited and has never smiled the way he did today.
Obviously it was a super rewarding day. I wish that I could legally post pictures of those 2 kiddies, but alas, I like my job and want to keep it.
As for Barry, last week he did an observation with his kids. He had a goldfish and a snail (the kids loved it). Over this last weekend the snail had 2 babies. This week Barry changed the water and all 3 snails went to snail heaven. Now just the goldfish is left, the kids have named it Swimmy. The PE teacher suggested Swim Pickens, but Barry went with the kids' choice.
Yesterday I had a very embarrassing moment. I raised my voice at the principal thinking it was a kid. He loved it, I turned bright red and I will never live it down. Thank goodness he has a sense of humor and plays jokes. I opened the door to my teammate's room to ask her a question. I was leaning against the door and felt it being pushed against me. I said "Excuse you!" and he peeked around the door with a grin and "yes?" I was mortified. My kids were in on it and proceeded to tell me that I was almost purple I was so red. My response being, well yeah I yelled at the principal, it's embarrassing. The kids loved it and so did he. I'm pretty sure the whole school knows about it. Like I said, thank goodness he has a sense of humor.
We met with our second grade buddies today and the kids had to make dogs out of water bottles or toilet paper rolls. We gave them cotton balls, tissue paper, straws, pipe cleaners and yarn to work with. They turned out so cute. One group made a poodle with all cotton balls and another group made a golden retriever by covering the water bottle with gold tissue paper. Again, I wish I could send pictures. I'm going to take pictures of every group and make a news letter for both classes called "Buddies Are the Best". The other teacher thought it was a great idea, so we are both really excited about it. I took some pictures this afternoon but the battery ended up dying.
I got the second book of folder games today, so finishing all of those is my weekend project so that I can have them laminated and cut before I start teaching a before school math class on the 13th. I'm excited to work with 4-6 graders and play a lot of skills games. I will have some of my old kids which will be fun.
I think that's enough for now, I'm getting the feeling that I'm starting to blab on and on and get the idea.
TTFN...ta ta for now!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Student of the Month
Ok, so my little guy that I chose as student of the month has been super helpful the last 2 days. We eat breakfast in the classroom this year and the cafeteria staff brings a milk bag and a food bag. There is a little slip of paper where we have to write how many people are eating. He has taken it upon himself to be the breakfast helper. Every morning when we finish eating we have to set the bags outside the door to be picked up. Today my mind was all over the place and I was forgetting to do things (thanks mom!). He reminded me to take the breakfast count and put it in the bag, made sure I had my breakfast and get everything packed up and outside the door before I even knew what was going on. I thought it was so sweet, I gave him a pat on the shoulder and said thanks for helping with breakfast. His response, "no problem, Mrs. Barnes, I'm here to help". I couldn't believe it, it made the morning go much more smoothly. The best part is that he doesn't know he is the student of the month, he is just being wonderful because that's who he is. I definitely made the right choice for the month of August!
I forgot one from last week. Last Monday one of my tougher kids came in first thing and said, "I'm glad to be back in this classroom to see your smiling face, Mrs. Barnes". He has a tough home life so I think the comment stemmed from that but it was still sweet.
In other news, I ordered 2 books from Amazon that are filled with math folder games for grades 3-6. I got the first book today and have started on the 15 games from the book. I'm super excited to use them in centers and small groups as skill practice. I also interviewed to teach a 5th grade remedial math class before school so they will be useful there, too! I have blisters all over my hand from making games lately, but it's totally worth it, the kids love them and they are so beneficial. I have 1 file drawer full of games so far and after I'm done with these 2 books I will probably have a 2nd drawer. I also have a bucket of games that I have made from the Kagan training I did over the summer. I had one of the games on the schedule for today and the kids were excited to whole day. They kept looking at the clock waiting for 2:40 to roll around. They are so funny sometimes. :-)
I forgot one from last week. Last Monday one of my tougher kids came in first thing and said, "I'm glad to be back in this classroom to see your smiling face, Mrs. Barnes". He has a tough home life so I think the comment stemmed from that but it was still sweet.
In other news, I ordered 2 books from Amazon that are filled with math folder games for grades 3-6. I got the first book today and have started on the 15 games from the book. I'm super excited to use them in centers and small groups as skill practice. I also interviewed to teach a 5th grade remedial math class before school so they will be useful there, too! I have blisters all over my hand from making games lately, but it's totally worth it, the kids love them and they are so beneficial. I have 1 file drawer full of games so far and after I'm done with these 2 books I will probably have a 2nd drawer. I also have a bucket of games that I have made from the Kagan training I did over the summer. I had one of the games on the schedule for today and the kids were excited to whole day. They kept looking at the clock waiting for 2:40 to roll around. They are so funny sometimes. :-)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Another Heart Melter
I had my first parent helper today! She came in a made 3 games for me, then took 2 more home! It was fabulous! She's going to stop by a couple times a week and either make games or read/work on math facts with the kids. I'm so excited to have her!!!
She was telling me today that her daughter had a rough 3rd grade year. I asked her why and she said that her daughter suffered from severe anxiety, to the point they ended up in the ER and almost medicated her. My heart was breaking, I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone but especially a child. Mom was saying that she is so much better this year and just loves coming to school and is not anxious anymore. She goes home happy and is excited to come to school the next day. At this point (of course) I'm almost crying. Mom said that over the weekend her daughter asked "Mom, do you think God gave me a good teacher this year so I could feel better?" I almost lost it. Mom was tearing up and told me she is so thankful that her daughter is in my class and she hasn't seen her this happy in so long. It felt so amazing. It was one of those moments that made me remember why I do what I do. After that all Heck broke loose in my room, but at the end of the day, I thought about that mom and daughter and couldn't help but smile, and know that I'm in the most amazing career and I really do make a difference. I never thought it could happen so quickly.
I met this mom at meet the teacher day and she said that she had requested me, which at the time I thought was a huge honor. Of course I still feel that way but she elaborated today. She used to work at the school and was talking at the end of the year to our former principal. She was asking who would be best for her daughter to have in 4th grade. Maria, the former principal, recommended me. When she told me that, I stopped breathing. It was a huge honor to know that the principal that I knew for a year thought that highly of me. I was literally thrust on her after getting RIFed the first year, I knew that she thought I was pretty good, but I didn't know how good! I was amazed.
Needless to say, I had a heart melting day. That's 2 stories since Thursday that have almost had me in tears (which I know is not shocking). It's the little things like that, that make me love kids all the more. I am truly blessed to be in such a rewarding profession, I just need to make sure that I continue to remember that daily.
In other news, keep some of my kiddos in your thoughts and prayers. I have some kids who are going to start meeting with counselors for family problems and anger issues. It breaks my heart to hear the stories they tell and know that I'm the only hug they will get every day. I'm hoping that I can help them with the support of the great staff at my school!
She was telling me today that her daughter had a rough 3rd grade year. I asked her why and she said that her daughter suffered from severe anxiety, to the point they ended up in the ER and almost medicated her. My heart was breaking, I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone but especially a child. Mom was saying that she is so much better this year and just loves coming to school and is not anxious anymore. She goes home happy and is excited to come to school the next day. At this point (of course) I'm almost crying. Mom said that over the weekend her daughter asked "Mom, do you think God gave me a good teacher this year so I could feel better?" I almost lost it. Mom was tearing up and told me she is so thankful that her daughter is in my class and she hasn't seen her this happy in so long. It felt so amazing. It was one of those moments that made me remember why I do what I do. After that all Heck broke loose in my room, but at the end of the day, I thought about that mom and daughter and couldn't help but smile, and know that I'm in the most amazing career and I really do make a difference. I never thought it could happen so quickly.
I met this mom at meet the teacher day and she said that she had requested me, which at the time I thought was a huge honor. Of course I still feel that way but she elaborated today. She used to work at the school and was talking at the end of the year to our former principal. She was asking who would be best for her daughter to have in 4th grade. Maria, the former principal, recommended me. When she told me that, I stopped breathing. It was a huge honor to know that the principal that I knew for a year thought that highly of me. I was literally thrust on her after getting RIFed the first year, I knew that she thought I was pretty good, but I didn't know how good! I was amazed.
Needless to say, I had a heart melting day. That's 2 stories since Thursday that have almost had me in tears (which I know is not shocking). It's the little things like that, that make me love kids all the more. I am truly blessed to be in such a rewarding profession, I just need to make sure that I continue to remember that daily.
In other news, keep some of my kiddos in your thoughts and prayers. I have some kids who are going to start meeting with counselors for family problems and anger issues. It breaks my heart to hear the stories they tell and know that I'm the only hug they will get every day. I'm hoping that I can help them with the support of the great staff at my school!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
4 weeks down!
I knew I would be bad about updating this thing!
This first month of school has been AMAZING! I love my class, they are wonderful. I have some tough kiddos, but it makes it challenging. I have been making a lot of games for my classes and they seem to love them so far. They are so excited to "play" in school and they don't realize they are learning/practicing. I'm loving the Kagan things that I have implemented so far and they are so beneficial.
I have chosen my first student of the month. He doesn't know yet, I want it to be a surprise for him, he has never been chosen before. I was warned about him by his previous teacher. I already knew him before this year. He was sent to my room last year to await a parent-teacher-student conference because of his poor behavior. While he was in my room, he got in serious trouble. This year, he has been wonderful. He is very responsible, gets all of his work done, and well. Does extra work, is super helpful and overall a fabulous kid. Every week we have "Buddies" with a second grade class. His young buddy is a behavior problem and is all over the place. My student is so cute with his buddy. Yesterday he said that Step 4 is not a place you want to be because it doesn't feel good. (Step 4 is when you go to another room, which is why he came to me last year.) I called his dad yesterday to let him know that I selected him as student of the month and dad was shocked. I told him all the reasons why and he was completely floored. He thanked me and said he was proud. My heart melted. I'm so excited for him to hear his name called in front of the whole school. I'm keeping it a secret from him (usually the kids know ahead of time) and I asked his dad not to mention it, also. I can't wait to see his reaction!
This past Thursday was Open House night. I only had 8 families come out of 29. However, I got to meet a bunch of families from the other classes, since I see all 3 classes for Social Studies. It was great. One little girl, as she was leaving introduced me as her "next door teacher". It was so cute. We all laughed. Then a mom told us a story about her son. She is pregnant and was asking her son if he wanted a boy or a girl. We'll call him Johnny and her Sue. Johnny asked what she wants and Sue said she just wants a healthy baby, Johnny agreed. Well this week Sue found out she is having a boy. Johnny said, "mommy can I tell you the truth, I have been praying for a baby brother and I think God listened!" Sue said she broke down and now is so thankful it's a boy. All three of us did the "AWWWW" in unison and I of course almost cried. It was such a sweet story.
That's all for now. I need to get to planning and cutting for more folder games. More to come later, eventually! Once I figure out how to post pictures, I will.
This first month of school has been AMAZING! I love my class, they are wonderful. I have some tough kiddos, but it makes it challenging. I have been making a lot of games for my classes and they seem to love them so far. They are so excited to "play" in school and they don't realize they are learning/practicing. I'm loving the Kagan things that I have implemented so far and they are so beneficial.
I have chosen my first student of the month. He doesn't know yet, I want it to be a surprise for him, he has never been chosen before. I was warned about him by his previous teacher. I already knew him before this year. He was sent to my room last year to await a parent-teacher-student conference because of his poor behavior. While he was in my room, he got in serious trouble. This year, he has been wonderful. He is very responsible, gets all of his work done, and well. Does extra work, is super helpful and overall a fabulous kid. Every week we have "Buddies" with a second grade class. His young buddy is a behavior problem and is all over the place. My student is so cute with his buddy. Yesterday he said that Step 4 is not a place you want to be because it doesn't feel good. (Step 4 is when you go to another room, which is why he came to me last year.) I called his dad yesterday to let him know that I selected him as student of the month and dad was shocked. I told him all the reasons why and he was completely floored. He thanked me and said he was proud. My heart melted. I'm so excited for him to hear his name called in front of the whole school. I'm keeping it a secret from him (usually the kids know ahead of time) and I asked his dad not to mention it, also. I can't wait to see his reaction!
This past Thursday was Open House night. I only had 8 families come out of 29. However, I got to meet a bunch of families from the other classes, since I see all 3 classes for Social Studies. It was great. One little girl, as she was leaving introduced me as her "next door teacher". It was so cute. We all laughed. Then a mom told us a story about her son. She is pregnant and was asking her son if he wanted a boy or a girl. We'll call him Johnny and her Sue. Johnny asked what she wants and Sue said she just wants a healthy baby, Johnny agreed. Well this week Sue found out she is having a boy. Johnny said, "mommy can I tell you the truth, I have been praying for a baby brother and I think God listened!" Sue said she broke down and now is so thankful it's a boy. All three of us did the "AWWWW" in unison and I of course almost cried. It was such a sweet story.
That's all for now. I need to get to planning and cutting for more folder games. More to come later, eventually! Once I figure out how to post pictures, I will.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
This week has been so amazing! I have been at a Kagan Cooperative Learning training every day provided my my district. We received free materials (which, let's face it, is awesome!) and a TON of first hand experience working with "structures" to help students work with and learn from each other. It is going to be hard work to implement everything into my classroom, but I'm excited to see the results. I have met some great teachers and learned a lot from each of them.
Barry has started his first year teacher training, BEGIN and has a male mentor teacher. He has his new hire orientation tomorrow and then we both head to our schools on Monday for meetings and time in our classrooms. I think I have more still to do than he does!
I'm excited to be working with a new principal and one new teammate this year. And of course, I'm looking forward to meeting my new set of kids, fingers crossed my roster stays at 28 and doesn't soar to the projected 35. I've heard the group coming into fourth grade is a challenge, but with everything I've learned this week, I can't wait to start!!!
I'll keep you posted!!! And pictures to come, eventually.
Here is a link to the Kagan website and the book I got free...notice it's a $44 value!
Kagan page
Free book
Barry has started his first year teacher training, BEGIN and has a male mentor teacher. He has his new hire orientation tomorrow and then we both head to our schools on Monday for meetings and time in our classrooms. I think I have more still to do than he does!
I'm excited to be working with a new principal and one new teammate this year. And of course, I'm looking forward to meeting my new set of kids, fingers crossed my roster stays at 28 and doesn't soar to the projected 35. I've heard the group coming into fourth grade is a challenge, but with everything I've learned this week, I can't wait to start!!!
I'll keep you posted!!! And pictures to come, eventually.
Here is a link to the Kagan website and the book I got free...notice it's a $44 value!
Kagan page
Free book
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Well, I'm completely new to the blogging world. I figured this would be a good way to remember and share what goes on in my classroom daily. I have wanted to share the funny/witty/interesting comments that my students articulate for the last 2 years, but have not gotten around to it. Hopefully I will be able to keep this up and actually post. Every day I'm amazed at what I hear from 10 year olds. I truly learn something new every day.
This week I will be taking a class offered by my district to help me with classroom management and building a classroom community; things I have struggled with my first 2 years. I'm excited to be able to share what I learn with my team and fellow teachers. Another plus will be helping Barry in his first year. I will probably share stories from his classroom, too!
School starts August 9th, so until then, I will try to figure out this blogging stuff and maybe get some pictures of our rooms up. Then I'm sure I will have a lot to say after the first day!
This week I will be taking a class offered by my district to help me with classroom management and building a classroom community; things I have struggled with my first 2 years. I'm excited to be able to share what I learn with my team and fellow teachers. Another plus will be helping Barry in his first year. I will probably share stories from his classroom, too!
School starts August 9th, so until then, I will try to figure out this blogging stuff and maybe get some pictures of our rooms up. Then I'm sure I will have a lot to say after the first day!
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